

Geography Curriculum Intent - 2021


Love Jesus Love Learning Love Our World


By the time children leave St Joseph’s, it is our intention that the coherently planned and sequenced curriculum will have enabled them:

  • to accumulate a  rich web of knowledge

  • to be able to read widely and wisely to build on that base of knowledge

  • to have an eagerness to learn more and so to succeed in secondary school


They will be able to retain, recall and explain their  learning and apply it to become ‘agents of change’ . They will share their witness through Christian values with the  knowledge, skills and relationships they need to flourish as human beings; enhance the lives of those around them;  and make God’s world a better place. 


Geography Curriculum Implementation - 2021
Geography  is taught as discrete units in every other half term.
Skills taught are planned progressively ensuring that children have knowledge already embedded to build upon in their current unit.
Progression is planned to address the key areas Geography. The focus of the unit of learning will include the main aspects of the Geography curriculum: Location and Place Knowledge; Human and Physical Features and Geographic and Fieldwork Skills.
Learning is planned for children to progressively grow in knowledge and skills to become geographers. 
Teaching implements the Recap & Recall structure of questioning at the beginning of each lesson, covering questions based on present and previous learning.
Planning and questions use explicit links to the school’s intent and curriculum, helping the children to make links and build on their learning skills from other subjects such as English and History.
Discrete tier two and three vocabulary is modelled and rehearsed in each topic area to support knowledge acquirement and extend the children’s vocabulary.
Immersion or Hook days for History and Geography enable children to recall and remember their recent studies, make links to previous learning and spend a day immersed in this area of the curriculum twice a year
Fieldwork and outside learning opportunities support our teaching and learning in order to cover the fieldwork aspect of the curriculum whenever possible.
Gospel values are embedded in each topic and children are regularly encouraged to discuss their learning in the light of these.