

Welcome to Foundation 
The class teacher is Mrs Watts. 
The class TA is Mrs Kelly.
General Information
Welcome to Foundation! 
Communication- Our door is always open for you to come and talk to us about your child. The main way in which we communicate with you is through Class Dojo. Each week there will be a Newsletter from Foundation so that you can see what we have been learning. If you need to speak to someone about your child or let us know that a different adult will be collecting them etc, I am available at the gate each morning/afternoon. If you have a concern which may take a little longer to discuss I'll arrange with you a time when we can meet. 
Parent/Carer involvement- Once the children have settled we will begin our Next Steps meetings, these happen each week with the focus children for that week. You will have the opportunity to come into school once every half term to discuss your child's achievements and next steps. Once the children have settled there will also be a regular story time (once a week) for parents/carers and younger siblings as well as other opportunities such as stay and play sessions and workshops.
Snack- Children are given a piece of fruit/vegetable at snack time and are offered milk. Please also make sure your child brings to school each day a filled and named water bottle (preferably with a sports cap.)
Uniform/book bag- Please make sure your child comes to school each day in their uniform and that they bring a coat with them. They will also need a book bag in school every day. All items must be named clearly.



PE happens once a week and is taken by a PE specialist. Your child should come to school on our PE day wearing their PE kit.  Foundation's PE day is Monday.

Sharing books together is a really important part of helping your child to develop and learn. We change books each week. Different books are changed on different days. Your child will bring home a RWInc reading book and a book to share just for fun. We ask that children read with you at least four times a week.

Important Dates
Summer 2
Weekly- Story time with parents and siblings 
Weekly- Next steps meetings (normally held on Tuesdays after school)

Tues 4th June- First day of Summer 2

Wed 5th June- Foundation visit the library

Wed 19th June- Sports day

Fri 21st June- Foundation hygiene workshop

Fri 19th July- Last day of term