Spring 2
Also look out for the weekly newsletter on Class dojo.
This half term our topic is 'How do we care for new life?' First we will share the story of The Little Red Hen and discover the eggs which have been delivered to our school. As these hatch, we will care for the new life and observe the changes that take place with the chicks. We will also have the opportunity to make our own bread. To celebrate Mother's day we will learn a special song and create cards by using our observation skills. Next we will discover some magic beans, left to us by Jack (from the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.) We will 'plant' the beans and observe what happens to them. We will also explore the bulbs we planted in the outside area and see what new life is growing there. Finally we will continue to observe the changes which are taking place as we move further into Spring time.
In RWINc we will continue to learn special friends sounds and how to read and write words with these sounds. We will also read and write simple captions and sentences. The children will be encouraged to apply these skills in their independent writing through opportunities to write in the environment and relating to our topic.
In our Maths sessions we will focus on exploring number bonds to ten and gaining confidence with recalling number facts. We will learn about subtraction and then move on to creating and describing patterns.
In our RE we will cover the topic of 'Desert to Garden'. We will spend time exploring Lent and Easter and learn how we can grow in love during this time.